Widespread 911 Outage Hits at Least 4 States Days After Department of Homeland Security Warning

Widespread 911 Outage Hits at Least 4 States Days After Department of Homeland Security Warning

Just over a week ago, the Department of Homeland Security warned of possible cyber attacks against the Emergency Service Sector (think “911 call operations”).

The April 10 DHS memo said that previous ransomware attacks had “disrupted the networks of police department and 911 call center operations” because of their dependence on computers for the efficient dispatching of emergency services, ABC News reported, citing the analysis, and that similar targets remained tempting to bad actors.

Right on cue, outages of the 911 system were reported over no less than four states Wednesday.

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“Authorities in South Dakota, Texas, Nebraska and Nevada announced outages in multiple cities,” CNN reported.

It wasn’t yet known what had caused those outages, according to the report, which was updated at 2:30 Thursday

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