WATCH: Biden’s Attempt To Copy Trump With Gas Station Visit FAILS Miserably

WATCH: Biden’s Attempt To Copy Trump With Gas Station Visit FAILS Miserably

Even though he may not be perfect, President Trump has proven himself, time and time again, to stand for what the American people believe in.

He loves America — and he loves its people. Everything Trump does is aimed at making our nation great so that we, as Americans, can thrive and prosper.

That’s why everywhere President Trump goes, he is met with cheers and enthusiasm from everyday Americans who will stick with him, through thick and thin.

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Take Trump’s surprise visit to a bodega in Harlem yesterday, as an example.

He was met with a huge crowd of supporters who showed him their love and support.

You have to see for yourself:

Flippin genius.

President Trump leaves NY starchamber show-trial and stops

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