Stabbed Sydney Assyrian Church Bishop Publicly Forgives His Alleged Attacker, Calls for ‘Christlike’ Response

Stabbed Sydney Assyrian Church Bishop Publicly Forgives His Alleged Attacker, Calls for ‘Christlike’ Response

An Assyrian church bishop who was stabbed during a service at his Sydney church has publicly offered forgiveness to his alleged attacker.

He called for his supporters not to retaliate over the attack but instead behave in a “Christlike” way.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, 53, was preaching at the Christ The Good Shepherd Church in the west of Australia’s most populous city Monday when his 16-year-old assailant ran from the congregation and attacked, as Breitbart News reported.

Horrified worshipers watched before they ran to the rescue with the bishop now happy to embrace the Christian tenet of belief that forgives those who sin.

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