Josh Hawley Moves to End FBI 'Power Grab' in Spy Powers Bill

Josh Hawley Moves to End FBI ‘Power Grab’ in Spy Powers Bill

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) on Thursday said he introduced an amendment to end an FBI “power grab” in a spy powers bill that is meant to rein in government surveillance abuse.

Hawley wrote, “Everyone should know about the Turner Amendment. This part of the House bill gives the FBI the power to press even MORE individuals into helping facilitate government surveillance. Could your landlord or your handyman be sharing your info with the FBI? Maybe.”

The Missouri senator sent out a dire warning about the amendment sponsored by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) and committee ranking member Jim Himes (D-CT).

Breitbart News has reported on this amendment and how it could dramatically expand the number of businesses and Americans that would

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