‘Civil War’ reveals the establishment’s urgency to stop Donald Trump

‘Civil War’ reveals the establishment’s urgency to stop Donald Trump

The No. 1 movie at the box office is a thinly veiled fantasy about assassinating Donald Trump. (Note: This column contains spoilers.)

“Civil War,” written and directed by Alex Garland, isn’t nearly as complicated, subtle, or apolitical as critics at the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Variety, and the New Yorker suggest.

The best art depicts and predicts life. Tupac made art that called for violence. Garland’s art calls for violence against Trump.

The point of Garland’s movie is simple: Killing Trump is the most efficient and sensible way to end America’s political chaos.

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I’ve read the reviews. They all managed to avoid dealing with the obvious message of the movie. They wax on about how the movie reflects this nation’s seething political divide and a

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