Biden disinformation tracker: Cannibals, uncles, and abortions

Biden disinformation tracker: Cannibals, uncles, and abortions

Another week, another day, another tall tale orchestrated by the guy who campaigned on the importance of presidents telling the truth. But maybe President Joe Biden’s idea of the truth didn’t include false stories of cannibalism and his uncle’s World War II service.

Biden has spread so much information since Jan. 20, 2021, it’s a wonder how anyone believes anything that he says at this point. He’s told so many fibs and tall tales that he’s less reliable than an iceberg watcher on the Titanic

That’s not a joke, folks, as Biden regularly says (after his latest bombastic falsehood). 

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This week was no different. I would say that Biden has truly outdone himself with his most recent fibs, yet every time I think that, Biden

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