Wife of a California doctor who drove their vehicle off a cliff with his family inside asks for charges to be dropped

Wife of a California doctor who drove their vehicle off a cliff with his family inside asks for charges to be dropped

The wife of the California doctor who has been accused of deliberately driving a Tesla off a cliff with his family inside has pleaded with prosecutors to drop his attempted murder charges. The development unfolded during a courtroom testimony on Thursday, according to the New York Post.

Dharmesh Patel reportedly became emotional as he listened to his wife, Neha Patel, reflect on the car crash that took place in early 2023. Dharmesh also had to sit and listen to his wife tell the court that their young son has asked, “When’s Daddy coming home?”

“We need him in our lives and it has been over a year and a half since my children or I have seen or spoken to Dharmesh,” Neha said.

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“We are not a

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