Who’s really at war with Ukraine? Apparently 'it’s not Russia'

Who’s really at war with Ukraine? Apparently ‘it’s not Russia’

Even though Russia invaded Ukraine over two years ago, the ongoing war between the two countries still has many people confused. Who’s the good guy in this situation? Surely, it’s not Putin. But Zelenskyy? What about the U.S. and the other countries offering aid to Ukraine?

According to founder and CEO of “Truth in Media” Ben Swann, “none of the above” is the answer. Despite the various narratives surrounding the war, Swann claims that Ukraine is actually a pawn in a much bigger game.

Swann recently joined Auron MacIntyre to explain how Ukraine became a “corrupt slush fund for the global managerial elite.”

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“Is there something particular about the culture or the way that Ukraine is structured or the corruption there that

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