Video shows thug knocking down California woman from behind to steal her purse in broad daylight

Video shows thug knocking down California woman from behind to steal her purse in broad daylight

A brazen attack on a woman who was visiting her mother in Los Angeles is angering many after it was captured on security video.

Juliana Murillo told KTLA-TV that she was speaking out in hopes of helping police find the culprit who attacked her in her hometown of San Fernando.

“I was born and raised in San Fernando,” she said. “I’m a daughter, sister, I’m a friend, a loved one and no loved one should go through this. It was unexpected. It was just traumatic.”

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Murillo said she was delivering a bouquet of roses to her mother for her birthday on Monday just before 3 p.m. when the attacker snuck up behind her and then shoved her violently to the ground. She

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