Utah school district in 'furry' controversy issues new statement promising to take all allegations of harassment 'very seriously'

Utah school district in ‘furry’ controversy issues new statement promising to take all allegations of harassment ‘very seriously’

The Utah school district enmeshed in a controversy surrounding student “furries” — people who identify as animals, wear animal-like apparel, and mimic animal behaviors — has now slightly changed its stance from just a few days ago. Though it denied the existence of furries as recently as Thursday, it now claims to take all allegations of “harassment in our schools” — likely including harassment from furries — “very seriously.”

As Blaze News previously reported, dozens of students and their parents staged a protest against the furries last Wednesday at Mt. Nebo Middle School in Payson, Utah, about an hour south of Salt Lake City. Students reported that furries had barked at them, chewed on sticks in class, played fetch in the halls, and even bit classmates

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