United Methodist Church REJECTS God’s word to embrace LGBTQ, changes pronouns to was/were

United Methodist Church REJECTS God’s word to embrace LGBTQ, changes pronouns to was/were

Several years ago, there was a split in the United Methodist Church over the issue of whether or not the church should be “gay affirming.”

“It also had to do with gay clergy, and I’m talking openly gay, affirming homosexuality, homosexual relationships, as what they would call holy, normal, fine, on the same plane as a heterosexual actual marriage,” Allie Beth Stuckey explains.

Now, the controversy is continuing.

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Last Wednesday, delegates at the United Methodist Church General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, voted to overturn the church’s historic discipline and doctrine on homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

The ruling was approved by a 692-to-51 vote and approves of removing the language that prohibited the ordination of self-avowed practicing homosexuals from the book

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