Union-Backed RINO Mike Cabell Goes Down In Flames During the Primaries

Union-Backed RINO Mike Cabell Goes Down In Flames During the Primaries

Conservative voters in Pennsylvania’s 117th House District scored a major victory on March 24, 2024, after challenger Jamie Walsh unseated incumbent Mike Cabell in the Republican primaries. 

Cliff Maloney, the CEO of Mobilize The Message and the founder of The Pennsylvania Chase, was ecstatic about this victory. 

In a post on X, Maloney noted the following about this race: 

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8 votes.

This is what WINNING looks like.

@RepCabell sold out and sided with Union bosses over the working class people of PA

When you do that you draw a primary and LOSE

We have ZERO time for fake Republicans 


In the end, Walsh defeated Cabell by an 8-vote margin (4723-4715).

Cabell has been targeted by disgruntled conservative voters over the last few months

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