Ukraine Raids Prisons for Recruits to Keep Army Numbers Up, But Bans Mass Murderers From Service

Ukraine Raids Prisons for Recruits to Keep Army Numbers Up, But Bans Mass Murderers From Service

Ukraine is legislating to join Russia in sending recruiters into the nation’s prisons to bolster its military, as Moscow’s invasion grinds on and the casualty list grows ever longer.

Ukraine’s Parliament has passed a draft law allowing certain classes of convicts to get out of jail early in return for military service. As noted, Ukraine’s ability to field enough soldiers to sustain the war against Russia is one of the nation’s greatest longer-term challenges of the war, its population considerably smaller than Russia’s and already disturbed and scattered by the conflict.

Releasing criminals from prison in return for military service is by no means unique to the Ukraine war, and has a history going back centuries, whether as a means of redemption in

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