U.S. Navy Wants Migrants to Build Warships

U.S. Navy Wants Migrants to Build Warships

President Joe Biden’s Navy secretary wants to import skilled blue-collar migrants to build the U.S. Navy ships that protect Americans and their job opportunities.

“What we’ve got to do is open up the spigot a bit, basically, on legal immigration to allow blue-collar workers to come here … so they can actually work in our shipyards and be employed by the types of trades that are open to shipyard workers,” Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro told a meeting in Arlington Va.

Del Toro’s call for migrant shipbuilders comes amid a shipbuilding crisis where many U.S. warships are being delivered far behind schedule, sometimes with deep flaws, Forbes reported in 2021 that the United States:

builds less than 10 vessels for oceangoing commerce in

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