Trump’s Assassination Squads: His 2nd Term Plan To Deal With Drug Crisis

Trump’s Assassination Squads: His 2nd Term Plan To Deal With Drug Crisis

You know, when Trump manages to clinch another term in November, the word on the street is he’s looking to send an army into Mexico.

And not just any sort, but an assassination squad.

He won’t be messing around come second term.

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His reasons?

Time to take out the drug cartels.

This is clearly in response to the fentanyl crisis.

And our President is ready to wage war against Mexico over it in order to protect his people, our families.

Classic Trump move, right?

REPORT: Donald Trump plans to send “Assassination Squads” into Mexico to kill Cartel leaders if elected president.


According to a new report from the Rolling Stone, Trump told people close to him that the U.S. military

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