Trump Campaign and RNC Reveal Massive Election Integrity Program

Trump Campaign and RNC Reveal Massive Election Integrity Program

The Republican National Committee (RNC), partnered with the Trump campaign, is launching a massive election integrity program ahead of the November 2024 election.

The RNC is dubbing this the “most extensive and monumental election integrity program in the nation’s history.” The program includes five areas of “observation” in the process, which the press release said will “guarantee coverage, and aggressive attorneys will be engaged at all these stages to stop Democrat attempts to circumvent rules.”

The five areas are as follows:

Logic & Accuracy Machine Testing Early Voting Election Day Voting Mail Ballot Processing: Adjudication & Duplication Post-Election: Canvass, Audits, Recounts

Poll watching is a huge part of it as well, and the program, in partnership with grassroots individuals and “legal

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