Toto Recall: Biden bashing in, Hamas hating still out

Toto Recall: Biden bashing in, Hamas hating still out

Some of the juiciest stories happen in the backyard of “Saturday Night Live.” It’s the Big Apple, and there’s never a dull moment.

Consider privileged college students trashing a campus building in between chanting for violence against Jews.

It’s a truth-to-power moment for the Not Ready for Prime Time Players! (That’s the name given to the show’s wild and crazy cast in the ‘70s.)

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Not exactly.

“SNL” brewed the weakest comic tea possible out of the Columbia U protests. The show’s latest cold open followed three parents conflicted about the raging pro-Palestinian protests.

Show stalwart Kenan Thompson drew a few smiles through sheer force of will. The city’s sizable Jewish population, alas, likely wasn’t amused. Nor was anyone else.

Later, during the “Weekend Update” segment, coanchor Michael Che clucked his tongue

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