‘Total lie:’ Ann Coulter denies opposing Ramaswamy’s presidency due to his race

‘Total lie:’ Ann Coulter denies opposing Ramaswamy’s presidency due to his race

Commentator Ann Coulter has denied saying she would not have voted for Vivek Ramaswamy in the Republican Party’s 2024 primary elections due to his Indian ethnicity, calling accusations of racism a “total lie.”

Coulter was on Ramaswamy’s podcast discussing nationalism in the United States, during which she said the country’s values revolve around the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, which she referred to as “the WASP.” The author also explained the need for the U.S. to have a president who is naturally born in the U.S., arguing that many immigrants do not understand the importance of the First and Second Amendments.

“Oh, and I agree with many, many things you said during, in fact, probably more than most other candidates when you were running for president, but

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