Thousands DENIED Access To Bank Withdrawals In Australia

Thousands DENIED Access To Bank Withdrawals In Australia

I have been sounding the alarm to “get out of the banks” for a while now.

Many of you have listened….

Some probably think I’m just being an “alarmist”.

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But that’s not true.

I’m a reporter and a watchman on the wall and I have been giving you warnings like this for a while now:

WARNING: U.S. Government May Freeze American Bank Withdrawals

Turns out we were right again.

Mass freezes haven’t hit America YET, but it’s coming.

As always, they test it out other places first.

Today it was tested in Australia.

Check out this headline from The Daily HODL:

They’re just closing the branches.

Closing the ATMs.

It’s just all going away.

Bank West in Australia is CLOSING ALL branches later

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