The Royal Air Force should bring back Bomber Command and buy B-2 bombers

The Royal Air Force should bring back Bomber Command and buy B-2 bombers

One of Ukraine’s key battlefield successes against Russia has been its employment of “deep strike” operations. That is to say, operations against targets deep behind Russian lines. As first reported by the Washington Examiner, Kyiv’s strategy here is heavily influenced by British special forces in Ukraine.

Deep strike operations seek to target an enemy’s command and control apparatus, airfields, bridges, railways, or key logistics nodes such as fuel and munitions depots. A successful deep strike action often has the added benefit of throwing an enemy off balance psychologically and forcing his diversion of resources to better protect other potential deep strike targets against future attacks. But the results in Ukraine are clear: Deep strike operations have allowed Kyiv to pressure Russia’s high-value military capabilities and its energy sector

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