The next GOP president should defund woke public broadcasting

The next GOP president should defund woke public broadcasting

Public broadcasting’s taxpayer funding is probably safe as long as the White House and at least half of Congress remain controlled by Democrats, but it is difficult to see how it survives if the situation ever reverses — as it is sure to do one day.

Vociferous supporters of PBS, NPR, Pacifica Radio, and all the other public broadcasting outlets (of whom there are legions) will irately blame NPR veteran Uri Berliner, activist Chris Rufo, journalist Bari Weiss, and others who have recently shone a spotlight on just how lopsidedly progressive (nay, woke) PBS and especially NPR have become.

They would do better to look inward and blame their own hubris, or at least that of the management of public broadcasters. They thought they could

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