Terrorists declare support for anti-Israel student protesters while the Associated Press gives them nominal cover

Terrorists declare support for anti-Israel student protesters while the Associated Press gives them nominal cover

Anti-Israel radicals across America have taken over several college campuses where they have erected pro-Hamas encampments, attacked police, made foreign policy demands, and parroted genocidal rhetoric. Their efforts to signal solidarity with the Islamic terrorists who massacred thousands of Israelis and dozens of Americans in October — the same terror organization that has since plotted attacks on Western nations — have not gone unnoticed overseas.

Two Palestinian terrorist groups announced their support this week for the student protesters, even referring to them as their own.

Endorsed by terrorists

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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Gaza-based terrorist group that combines Marxist-Leninist ideology with Arab nationalism, released a statement Tuesday condemning Israel and celebrating the students who have condemned the Jewish state’s

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