Teenage Daughter of Billionaire Slack Co-Founder Reported Missing in California

Teenage Daughter of Billionaire Slack Co-Founder Reported Missing in California

The daughter of billionaire Slack co-founder Steward Butterfield was reported missing on Monday in California when her mother contacted authorities.

Sixteen-year-old Mint Butterfield was last seen on Sunday evening in Bolinas, and her mother, Flickr founder Caterina Fake, reported her missing the following day, the New York Post reported Thursday.


I don’t ask for your help often, but I need it now…my friend’s 16-year-old has gone missing.

Please spread this far and wide, and if you have any information about their whereabouts, call the number on this flyer. pic.twitter.com/CPIbwf2Ik4

— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) April 23, 2024

Officials with the Marin County Sheriff’s Office said that before the teenager’s disappearance, she had been living with her mother and was enrolled

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