Tallest Skyscraper In The United States Will Be Built In Unlikely Place

Tallest Skyscraper In The United States Will Be Built In Unlikely Place

The tallest skyscraper in the United States could be built in an unlikely place: Oklahoma.

Real estate developer Scot Matteson plans to build the skyscraper in Oklahoma City.

Mateson initially wanted to cap the skyscraper at 345 feet but now plans to build the skyscraper to 1,907 feet, which would make it taller than the current largest skyscraper in the United States, The One World Trade Center, which sits at 1,776 feet.

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Mateson wanted the skyscraper to be “iconic,” so he ditched his initial plans to cap it at under 400 feet.

Move over New York. A developer is trying to build America’s tallest skyscraper—in Oklahoma. The idea has its skeptics. “What do you see when you go to the observatory? Prairie or whatever?”

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