Senate Passes FISA Bill, Heads To Biden’s Desk

Senate Passes FISA Bill, Heads To Biden’s Desk

The Senate’s playing a high-stakes game of legislative chicken with Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

You’ve got the clock ticking, tension in the air, and then, boom!

Way after the deadline, they finally vote to renew it?

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Doesn’t sound legal to me.

The vote? 60 – 34.

Knowing Senator Schumer was supporting this tells me all I need to know about this being a bad bill.

Tonight the Senate passed the House-passed FISA expansion bill—after rejecting seven different amendments requiring a warrant and otherwise reforming FISA 702.

This is a horrible bill.

It shows wanton disregard for the rights of Americans.

This is not a day to celebrate.

— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) April 20, 2024


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