Segment on California Violent Crime Goes Off the Rails as Crew Is Targeted by Crooks in Broad Daylight

Segment on California Violent Crime Goes Off the Rails as Crew Is Targeted by Crooks in Broad Daylight

If criminals have no compunction about targeting victims in broad daylight, would it then be safe to declare that that locale has a serious crime problem?

Because, as a recent video shared by conservative filmmaker Benny Johnson showed, Oakland, California, had all those hallmarks and then some.

Johnson and his crew were in Oakland filming a segment about the closing of a restaurant that was part of the West Coast fast-food chain, In-N-Out Burger. It was the only location of the massively popular In-N-Out franchise to permanently close, but it wasn’t shuttered due to lack of business. It shut down because what management called “ongoing issues with crime.”

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WARNING: The following social media post contains language that some may find offensive.

I Just Got

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