Security video shows college student grabbing thug's gun and ejecting magazine during alleged robbery at University of Chicago

Security video shows college student grabbing thug’s gun and ejecting magazine during alleged robbery at University of Chicago

A female student at the University of Chicago was able to thwart an armed robbery, and the brave act was caught on surveillance video.

The student was walking back to her apartment on Wednesday before 3 p.m. when video showed her being confronted by a man who appeared to point a gun at her.

The student identified herself only as Maddi and spoke to WLS-TV about the incident.

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“I was just walking home from class and I see a man in a mask approach me,” she recalled. “And he kind of comes towards me, and I think to myself, ‘Just keep walking,’ but then we have an altercation.”

She appears to seek help from other students, but one student sitting a

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