Sanders: Netanyahu's Right-Wing 'Racist Government' Causing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza

Sanders: Netanyahu’s Right-Wing ‘Racist Government’ Causing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “right-wing extremist and racist government ” was causing a humanitarian disaster in Gaza.

Sanders said, “Antisemitism  is a vile and disgusting ideology which has resulted in the deaths of many, many millions of people in the last hundred years. We’ve got to oppose it in every form. Do I doubt for a moment that antisemitism exists that is growing in the United States, that exist among some people in the protest movement, of course.”

He continued, “Here is the reality right now, what Netanyahu right-wing extremist and racist government is doing, is unprecedented in modern history of warfare. They have killed in the last 6.5 months, 33,000

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