Rubio: Our Border, Campuses in 'Chaos' Because Biden Is 'Weak and He's Feeble'

Rubio: Our Border, Campuses in ‘Chaos’ Because Biden Is ‘Weak and He’s Feeble’

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that the United States was in “chaos” because President Joe Biden is weak and feeble.

Rubio said, “We should basically say we are on the side of the people who were the victims on October 7th of a bunch of savages and lunatics who came across that border and massacred and killed and kidnaped and raped and took hostages back with them. These people need to be defeated. How is Israel supposed to coexist, to live side by side alongside next to these people?”

He continued, “I think Joe Biden and he hasn’t done it again, because he’s weak and he’s feeble. But Joe Biden had very early on should have said, as

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