Rove: Anti-Israel Protests Likely at Dem Convention this Summer

Rove: Anti-Israel Protests Likely at Dem Convention this Summer

Former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove said Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports” that anti-Israel protests at the Democratic Party’s Chicago convention in the summer are likely.

Discussing President Joe Biden, Rove said, “On the one hand he came out against the protests and the attacks on Israel and Jewish students and on the other hand recognizing the plight of Palestinians. The statements of the written statements and the spokesman for the White House have been generally pretty tough, but the president himself set the tone by answering that question.”

He continued, “Look, this will get worse before the end of the school year unless these universities step in and make sure that the students are allowed to go to class and that campuses are not overtaken by student protesters.”

He added, “This will be an

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