Romney: Trump's Impeachment Is Important to Bring 'Unity in Our Country'

Romney: Trump's Impeachment Is Important to Bring 'Unity in Our Country'

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) argued on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that the impeachment against former President Donald Trump would bring national unity.

Anchor Chis Wallace asked, “Senator, do you support holding this impeachment trial, and what do you think the rules should be on the length of the trial and whether or not to call witnesses?”

Romney said, “Well, we’re certainly going to have a trial. I wish that weren’t necessary, with the president’s conduct with regard to the call to the secretary of state in Georgia as well as the incitation towards the insurrection that led to the attack on the Capital calls for a trial. If we are going to have unity in our country, I think it’s important to recognize the need for accountability, for truth, and justice. So I think there will be a trial, and I hope it goes as quickly as


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