RFK Jr campaign laughs off idea parasite that ate part of his brain has lingering effects on his fitness

RFK Jr campaign laughs off idea parasite that ate part of his brain has lingering effects on his fitness

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said the parasite that ate part of his brain would not affect his fitness to be president. 

After he reportedly experienced memory loss, a 2012 brain scan revealed a dark spot on Kennedy’s brain, which was believed to be a tumor at the time. Upon further examination, one doctor offered a counterexplanation: a parasite that had gotten inside his head and died.  

“[The dark spot] was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Kennedy said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by the New York Times

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Kennedy said he might have contracted the parasite on a trip to South Asia but was not completely sure. Experts said the

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