Report: Miss Israel Threatened, Harassed in NYC for Identifying Herself as IDF

Report: Miss Israel Threatened, Harassed in NYC for Identifying Herself as IDF

Miss Israel was called a “war criminal,” a “little Zionist,” and threatened with a knife after identifying herself as a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in New York City on Monday, according to reports.

Miss Israel Noa Cochva was berated and threatened on the streets of the Big Apple while carrying a poster that read, “I am an IDF soldier. Ask me anything,” the Daily Mail reported.

As Cochva stood in Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village, next to New York University, one onlooker approached her, saying, “I heard there was a Zionist here,” with a knife brandished at the beauty queen.

“She pulled a knife on us, and we got so scared we actually ran away,” Cochva told the New

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