Remember the young surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack? 21 years later she’s fighting to protect women’s sports

Remember the young surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack? 21 years later she’s fighting to protect women’s sports

A promising young surfer, then 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton’s world was turned upside down when she lost her arm in a shark attack. On “Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey,” Bethany detailed how her family’s faith in God helped her through these troubling times:

“My dad worked really hard — like two to three jobs at a time, so we had a really simple childhood. But they gave me so much. They gave me so much time, and they gave me my faith in God. … And so, when I lost my arm, it was almost like I was ready, because my mom had raised me in my faith, she would pray with me, she read the Bible to me at bedtime, we went to church

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