Recently Captured Gulf Cartel Boss Was a Mexican Border City Cop

Recently Captured Gulf Cartel Boss Was a Mexican Border City Cop

MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas – The recent capture of a top leader within the Gulf Cartel sparked controversy after a collection of documents revealed he was either a current or a former local police officer. The revelation has led to finger-pointing weeks before Mexico’s federal elections this coming summer.

This week, Breitbart Texas broke the story and published an exclusive photograph of Evaristo “Vaquero” Cruz Sanchez’s after his arrest in Nuevo Leon. Vaquero was the elusive leader of the Matamoros faction of the Gulf Cartel. Breitbart Texas also published information provided from U.S. law enforcement sources that revealed officials targeted Vaquero for his role in using cartel funds to finance political campaigns. Authorities also arrested Raul Cantu de La Garza, a candidate with the Movimiento Ciudadano Party, in Nuevo Leon. Authorities also detained a drug lord tied to Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion named Santiago “El Chago” Villarreal. It remains


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