Qatar Says It Will Host Hamas as Long as It Is 'Useful and Positive' to Do So

Qatar Says It Will Host Hamas as Long as It Is ‘Useful and Positive’ to Do So

The Islamist government of Qatar confirmed on Tuesday that it is open to continuing to host the leadership of the jihadist terror organization Hamas as long as doing so is “useful and positive.”

Qatar has offered safe haven and extravagant hotel lodgings to Hamas’s most senior leaders since 2012. While Hamas is the government of the disputed Gaza Strip, its top “political” leaders live in Doha. Ismail Haniyeh, the top Hamas “political” leader, is believed to be worth over $4 billion and he and his family often show off their wealth.

“He [Haniyeh] and his associates have been photographed flying in private jets, enjoying fine dining, and attending international sporting events,” the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) observed in January.


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