Prepare For A Slow, Spendy Baltimore Bridge Rebuild That Won’t Satisfy Anybody

Prepare For A Slow, Spendy Baltimore Bridge Rebuild That Won’t Satisfy Anybody

There is an old adage in the construction industry. All customers want their project three ways — good, fast, and cheap. No such projects exist in reality, but owners can sometimes have two of the three. Fast and inexpensive but shoddy. Quick and good but expensive. You get the drift.

Extrapolate that concept to a perfect new bridge or highway with all the bells and whistles, with which everyone will be happy, and you will get an exceedingly slow, high quality, and inexplicably expensive finished product.

Besides famous treasures like the Golden Gate or London Tower Bridge, when is the last time you remember what a bridge looked like after you passed under or over it? Likely never, as long as you traveled without incident.

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