PLUMMETING birth rates keep Elon Musk up at night

PLUMMETING birth rates keep Elon Musk up at night

How do we solve the crises that are currently burdening America?

While Dave Rubin knows there are “some political ways,” like how “a certain orange man would be better than a certain man with dementia,” there are some more important, more tangible ways that are in your control.

“It’s find a mate and have a family. Start the basic building blocks of society, bottom up. The way your parents did it and your grandparents did it,” Rubin explains, adding, “the way civilization has done it for millennia.”

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“If you start building a good family, you might be able to save civilization,” he says, and he’s not alone in his belief.

Elon Musk recently explained a similar concept to the Milken Institute

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