Pelosi: After Election Dems Will Ditch Filibuster to Legalize Abortion Nationally

Pelosi: After Election Dems Will Ditch Filibuster to Legalize Abortion Nationally

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports” that if the Democrats win majorities in Congress and the White House, they will ditch the filibuster to legalize abortion nationwide.

Pelosi said, “People have to view abortion as a democracy issue. This is about freedom to make your own decisions for a woman. It’s a personal decision, it’s an economic decision at the kitchen table of America’s families, if and when they could expand their families or even start their families.”

Tur asked, “Do you think it’s going to be a more powerful issue at the ballot box this time around?”

Pelosi said, “Well, it is because the fact is that no matter what he says, there will be a national

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