Operation MetaPhile: AG Puts Blame On Meta For Enabling Child Predator

Operation MetaPhile: AG Puts Blame On Meta For Enabling Child Predator

Another undercover operation is underway against the wave of pedos that keep appearing.

This one is entitled Operation MetaPhile, and they focus on using Meta’s sites, Facebook and Instagram.

Turns out those two sites aren’t doing much to prohibit groomers and predators from going after the kids.

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In fact, you might say they’re encouraging it and giving them a helping hand in their search for children and for marketing their corrupt material.

Attorney General Raúl Torrez doesn’t beat around the bush.

He calls out Meta and says they’re to blame for this predators lurking on their sites.

Undercover operation nets arrests as @NewMexicoDOJ Attorney General Raúl Torrez blames @Meta for online predators. The arrests come as New Mexico pursues its civil lawsuit against the

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