Obama's Passover Message Adds Palestinians Into the Story; Omits Hostages

Obama’s Passover Message Adds Palestinians Into the Story; Omits Hostages

Former President Barack Obama used a Passover message on Monday to work Palestinians into the Jewish holiday, calling for empathy for those suffering in “Israel and Gaza,” and for solidarity with “people of all religions.”

Obama’s equivocation obscured the fact that Palestinian terrorists continue to hold 133 Israeli hostages. He failed, in fact, to mention the hostages, instead saying that people should “remember everyone who is unable to celebrate the holiday with their loved ones.” He also failed to mention the ongoing wave of antisemitism on college campuses and in Democrat-run cities, saying that “people of all religions … deserve to feel safe and secure” wherever they are.

Tonight, Jewish families around the world will begin the celebration of Passover with the traditional seder meal.

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