NYU Prof. Galloway: The National Guard Would've Been Sent In if Black Students Faced Hatred Jewish Students Do

NYU Prof. Galloway: The National Guard Would’ve Been Sent In if Black Students Faced Hatred Jewish Students Do

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business Scott Galloway stated that there’s a “striking” “double standard” in the treatment of campus demonstrations over the past week and stated that if he did the same thing to black students, “we’d call in the f*cking National Guard.” And “what is clear to me is that free speech is at its freest when it’s hate speech against Jews.”

Galloway said, “The double standard here is pretty striking. Dylann Roof goes into a Charleston church and kills nine members of a black church, if I went down to the plaza of any of these universities with a white hood, a Confederate flag, and signs and started saying, globalize Dylann, kill

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