Nolte: New Guinea Residents Still Outraged over Biden’s ‘Cannibal’ Lie

Nolte: New Guinea Residents Still Outraged over Biden’s ‘Cannibal’ Lie

Joe Biden falsely claimed his uncle was shot down in World War II and then suggested New Guinea cannibals devoured the poor guy. Needless to say, some New Guinea residents are not amused.

“Ambrose Finnegan — we called him Uncle Bosie — he was shot down. He was in the Army Air Corps before there was an Air Force, flew single-engine airplanes, reconnaissance flights over New Guinea,” Biden told reporters when he first made the claim.

“[He] got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals at the time. They never recovered his body,” Biden added. “But the government went back when I was down there, and they checked and found parts of the plane and the like.”

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