Nolte: Exclusive — 71 Percent Want Disney to End LGBTQ Agenda, Brand in Freefall

Nolte: Exclusive — 71 Percent Want Disney to End LGBTQ Agenda, Brand in Freefall

Polling proves the Disney Grooming Syndicate’s brand is on life support, with a pathetic 46 percent favorability rating. In a virtual tie, 45 percent view the Louse House unfavorably. Those numbers would not be all that great for a politician. They are death for a corporation.

The reason for this is obvious: Rasmussen discovered that 71 percent want Disney to cease grooming small children.

In an exclusive to Breitbart News, Rasmussen Reports polled 1,255 adults between April 21-23, and found only terrible news for what was, only a few years ago, one of the most universally-beloved brands in American history.

This is not the first poll to show Disney’s brand cratering. This exclusive Rasmussen poll does, though, confirm previous polls and shows that

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