Nolte: Elite Universities Breed the New Hitler Youth

Nolte: Elite Universities Breed the New Hitler Youth

What we’re seeing across America’s “elite” academic institutions is something the Western world has not seen since 1930s Germany: an open, naked, toxic, violent, seething, and uncompromising hatred of the Jews. Worse, we are seeing a mainstream acceptance of that hatred.

Through compulsory Youth Camps, Adolf Hitler did in the 1930s what elite universities are doing today: creating Jew-hating totalitarians.

Jews were excluded from the Hitler Youth camps. Today, as we see everywhere, disgraced universities like MIT, Columbia, NYU, Harvard, etc., might not openly reject Jews on campus. Still, the student bodies, much of the faculty, the anti-Jewish curricula, and the administrations tolerating venomous anti-Jewish hate protests have all sent a clear message: Jews Not Welcome.

Here’s how Wikipedia accurately describes the doctrine

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