Nolte: CBS Tries to Rehabilitate Disgraced Dan Rather

Nolte: CBS Tries to Rehabilitate Disgraced Dan Rather

Disgraced former anchorman Dan Rather is 92 years old, and CBS, the network that fired him for trying to rig the 2004 presidential election, has joined the shameless rehab campaign.

During the waning weeks of the 2004 presidential election, Dan Rather was determined to ensure incumbent Republican president George W. Bush did not win reelection. And so, on 60 Minutes II, he ran a story that claimed Bush went AWOL during his time in the Texas Air National Guard. The story was true, and Rather had the documents to prove it. The story was also phony and timed to devastate the wartime president. Bush Jr. was exposed as a liar and shirker, in contrast with his Democrat opponent, John Kerry, who served a few months

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