Noem blames media for ‘worst spin’ on story of killing her ‘dangerous’ dog

Noem blames media for ‘worst spin’ on story of killing her ‘dangerous’ dog

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) blamed the “fake news” media for recent backlash following the release of an excerpt from her book detailing how she fatally shot her hunting dog 20 years ago.

An excerpt from No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward revealed that Noem “hated” her 14-month-old dog because it was “less than worthless” at hunting after attacking a neighbor’s chickens and also attacking her.

“This dog had come to us from another family that had already found her to be too aggressive. They’d had issues before and we had. We put her through months of training and were working with her,” Noem said of the dog on Fox News’s Hannity.

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“You know how the fake news

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