No, school choice is not a leftist Trojan horse 

No, school choice is not a leftist Trojan horse 

Education has been a top priority for conservatives concerned about the deteriorating state of American schooling. Many on the right have championed school choice proposals as a free market model for education, helping families choose the best options available while cutting back on the government’s role in the process. Still, some conservatives think it’s too good to be true. 

Driven by baseless conspiracy theories and bolstered by fearmongering tactics, many conservatives now see educational choice as a Trojan horse for getting leftist ideas into what were once right-of-center havens.

A prime example of this fear of school choice comes from Missouri. Senate Bill 727 expands eligibility for Missouri’s Empowerment Scholarship program, a tax credit that helps students access the best education for their needs. SB727 has passed

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