Moskowitz: Columbia 'Lost Control' and Is Letting a Second Charlottesville 'Ride'

Moskowitz: Columbia ‘Lost Control’ and Is Letting a Second Charlottesville ‘Ride’

On Monday’s “CNN NewsNight,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) stated that Columbia University has “completely lost control of the situation” and is “just letting it ride,” and that Jewish families he’s talked to have said that “if this was a minority group, a protected minority group, which Jews are not, they don’t think that this would have gotten past lunchtime on the first day.”

Moskowitz said, “I was at the university today, and it’s clear to me that while they are establishing a perimeter outside the university, once inside the university, there is almost no security. They have completely lost control of the situation and are just letting it ride, which now you’ve confirmed by this new policy that they’re just going to try to run

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