Middle School Girls Take Brave Stand at Track Meet When Adults Force Them to Compete Against Transgender Opponent

Middle School Girls Take Brave Stand at Track Meet When Adults Force Them to Compete Against Transgender Opponent

Five brave girls in West Virginia took a stand against the far left’s gender madness when they refused to compete against a boy claiming to be a girl at a track meet this week.

It’s tragic that the state of our crumbling society had even put the girls in such a position.

But whatever wave of feminism we’re currently suffering through has put girls and young women in the unenviable position of competing against men and boys in what were, until recently, their own sports.

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Riley Gaines, a fierce proponent for protecting sacred spaces for girls and women, shared a video of the quiet protest from the teens on the social media platform X on Thursday.

The former University of Kentucky swimmer noted that the

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